

My dear friend, fellow photographer and team teacher let me take some maternity pics of her- her sweet baby boy is due on May 8th and I can't be more excited! She's a gorgeous preggo chick so taking the pics was an absolute blast!

This one is my favorite I think! I'm sure Mr. M will think so as well!
I can't wait to meet little Mr............... come on, geez, just tell me already! :)
Have a fantastic day!


Michael Warden said...

Great pics, I love the one with the little soccer shoes... keep up the great work.

Anonymous said...

You took great pics.....but you did have a great model!

Touch of Love Photography said...

These are ADORABLE! Isn't great when you subject is beautiful makes them so nice to edit and look at! I have a maternity session on Sat. so wish me luck! Watch my blog for posts of that! I will for sure call you guys on Wed and have to meet up with you to actually put a face with your name!

Dustin said...
